_I was asked by a friend to do a blog about insomnia.

According to the definition in the dictionary, Insomnia: A chronic inability to fall asleep or to enjoy uninterrupted sleep.

At some point in our lives we have experienced this for a night or two and it can make us feel irritable, lethargic and emotional but to have this constantly can interfere with our day to day life. Some people adapt to the lack of sleep and patterns can occur. For example waking up at the same time every night and not being able to get back to sleep.There can be underlying problems which cause insomnia and these should be checked out by a GP and treated before giving the person sleeping tablets. Problems that can cause insomnia can range from anxiety and depression to types of medication being taken. Alcohol and drug misuse can also cause problems with sleep.Waking up at the same time every night can become imprinted behaviour, then the worry about the next day may start, or worrying about the day you have just had. Thoughts going round in your head that you can't get rid off......sound familiar?
Here are a few tips to try:
Avoid caffeine later in the day.
Avoid heavy meals late at night.
Use an eye mask or heavy curtains to block out the light.
Use ear plugs to block out sounds.
Listen to calming music before you go to bed.
Have a bath before you go to bed.

From a hypnosis point of view you can also try these techniques:
Tense and relax each muscle in your body starting from the tips of your toes to the top of your head.
Alter your breathing, as your tummy pushes out  breathe in counting to 7 and out counting to 11.
Be positive; if you wake a 2 in the morning and you get up at 7 instead of saying "oh no I've only got 5 hours left" say to yourself "oh great another 5 hours"

If any one has any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Sweet dreams.

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