This photo was taken at Chester Cathedral and represents the circle of life. Always continuous always flowing.
For some people this can mean a tread mill and be full of fraught difficulties. For others it is a simple progression of life with ups and downs. For most of us it is a mixture of the two. Sometimes we can cope with the ups and downs that life throws at us, other times it feels as if we will never get through things.

Help can come in many forms. It can be family, friends, faith, counselling. Different things work for different people and sometimes we need to use our own positive thinking to get through the hard times. This is something that takes a lot of practice and visulisation. Through self hypnosis you can learn techniques that will help you to get through times that feel bad. Self hypnosis helps us relax and can change the way we feel about a situation.In times of stress it is very difficult to relax, this in turn can effect our sleep patterns making things feel worse and so the circle continues. With self hypnosis we can learn to relax and, therefore, get a better sleep, which helps us cope better with the situation. In September I am going to be holding a 5 week course to teach Self Hypnosis. If you are interested in learning more please contact me.
Take care.

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